Russian furniture: between the imperial past and the pursuit of innovation

Traveling. Stop in Moscow and fall in love with a unique style, which has been able to adapt to the changes of the time, especially in furnishings.
From villas to student residences, Russian houses adapt to the different strata of the Russian social ladder.

The influence of history linked to the imperial style of France is still present, but contemporaneity requires a change of pace and, from this point of view, Russia was not caught unprepared. Indeed, it has brought modernity into homes, thanks to a simple and linear design and an imposing chandelier park.

Gold always remains the trait d’union of the Russian furniture modernization campaign. It can be seen both outside the homes and inside: from the taps in the bathroom to the details of the living room, to the giant chandeliers that illuminate the different rooms.

A symbol of that never forgotten imperial style, Lux Illuminazione chandeliers create further value in Russian homes. They give wealth. They feed the glitz. Bright, with details that make the difference, the chandeliers best represent Russian elegance and style.
Ideal for environments that look to the future, without forgetting the past.

Furnishing a living room or bedroom inspired by the style of Moscow and the whole of Russia means combining the most classic materials of the imperialist tradition with the more contemporary ones of modern living.

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